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Text File | 1995-05-30 | 10.3 KB | 391 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- ************************************************************************
- *
- * Grayscale Images
- *
- * Read an image from a file in the TIFF format
- *
- * The present TIFF reader reads a Class G TIFF file (for gray-scale
- * images), See Appendix G of the TIFF specification.
- *
- * The program really needs the following tags
- * ImageWidth
- * ImageLength
- * RowsPerStrip
- * StripOffsets
- * and can't work without them. Yet, if RowsPerStrip is left out, we
- * assume there is only one strip in the image
- *
- * In addition, class G TIFF files are required to have the following
- * tags with the following values
- * SamplesPerPixel = 1
- * BitsPerSample = 4 or 8
- * Compression = 1 or 5(LZW)
- * PhotometricInterpretation = 0 or 1
- * So, if these tags are specified, the program makes sure that their values
- * are those that are supposed to be for class G TIFFs.
- *
- * At present, no compression is supported.
- *
- * $Id: read_tiff.cc,v 2.0 1995/03/06 21:58:09 oleg Exp oleg $
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- #include "image.h"
- #include "endian_io.h"
- #include "tiff.h"
- #include <iostream.h>
- // Read a TIFF header from the file
- // and check it
- TIFFHeader::TIFFHeader(EndianIn& file)
- {
- magic = file.read_short("Reading a TIFF file magic byte");
- if( magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN )
- file.set_bigendian();
- else if( magic == TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN )
- file.set_littlendian();
- else
- _error("Unknown magic word %x",magic);
- version = file.read_short("Reading TIFF file version");
- diroffset = file.read_long("Reading the TIFF dir offset");
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * TIFF Directory
- */
- class TIFFDirectory;
- class TIFFDirReadItem : public TIFFDirEntry
- {
- friend class TIFFDirectory;
- // Note, this is a private constructor
- // Be sure to call the load(file) function
- // to finish the initialization
- TIFFDirReadItem(void) { tag = 0; }
- void load(EndianIn& file);
- public:
- void print(void) const;
- };
- // Load up the item from the file: finish
- // the construction of the object
- void TIFFDirReadItem::load(EndianIn& file)
- {
- tag = file.read_short("Reading dir entry");
- type = file.read_short("Reading dir entry");
- count = file.read_long("Reading dir entry");
- val_offset = file.read_long("Reading dir entry");
- }
- // Print the contents of an item w/o frills
- void TIFFDirReadItem::print(void) const
- {
- message("tag %d, %d ",tag,count);
- switch(type)
- {
- case BYTE:
- message("bytes");
- break;
- case ASCII:
- message("characters");
- break;
- case SHORT:
- message("short ints");
- break;
- case LONG:
- message("long ints");
- break;
- case RATIONAL:
- message("rational numbers");
- break;
- default:
- _error("Invalid type %d",type);
- }
- message(" value %d (0x%x)\n",val_offset,val_offset);
- }
- class TIFFDirectory
- {
- int no_entries;
- TIFFDirReadItem * entries;
- public:
- TIFFDirectory(EndianIn& file);
- ~TIFFDirectory(void);
- void print(void) const;
- // Look up a scalar value in the directory
- unsigned long int look_up(const unsigned short tag,
- const unsigned long default_value) const;
- // Look up a string info and read the string
- char * read_str(const unsigned short tag, EndianIn& file) const;
- // Look up an item in the directory by its
- // tag. Return 0 if not found
- TIFFDirReadItem * look_up(const unsigned short tag) const;
- };
- // Load up the directory from the file
- TIFFDirectory::TIFFDirectory(EndianIn& file)
- {
- TIFFHeader header(file);
- assert( file.seekg(header.directory_offset()).good() );
- no_entries = file.read_short("no of entries");
- entries = new TIFFDirReadItem[no_entries];
- register int i;
- for(i=0; i<no_entries; i++)
- entries[i].load(file);
- const int offset_to_next_dir = file.read_long("reading dir");
- if( offset_to_next_dir != 0 )
- message("The TIFF file contains several images, only the first one "
- "is going to be considered");
- }
- // Destroy all entries in the directory
- TIFFDirectory::~TIFFDirectory(void)
- {
- assert( entries != 0 );
- delete [] entries;
- }
- // Print the contents of the directory
- void TIFFDirectory::print(void) const
- {
- register int i;
- message("\nThere are %d entries in the TIFF file directory\nThey are\n",
- no_entries);
- for(i=0;i<no_entries; i++)
- entries[i].print();
- }
- // Look up an item in the directory by its
- // tag. Return 0 if not found
- // Note, we take advantage of the fact
- // that all items in the directory are
- // in the ascending order of their tags
- TIFFDirReadItem * TIFFDirectory::look_up(const unsigned short tag) const
- {
- int lo = 0; // Using a binary search
- int hi = no_entries;
- while( hi > lo )
- {
- int middle = (hi+lo)/2;
- if( entries[middle].tag == tag )
- return &entries[middle];
- else if( entries[middle].tag > tag )
- hi = middle;
- else
- lo = middle+1;
- }
- return 0; // Means not found
- }
- // Look up a scalar value in the directory
- unsigned long int TIFFDirectory::look_up(const unsigned short tag,
- const unsigned long default_value) const
- {
- TIFFDirEntry * entryp = look_up(tag);
- if( entryp == 0 )
- return default_value;
- assert( entryp->tag == tag);
- assert( entryp->count == 1 ); // Check that the value is scalar
- // Note, if the value is shorter
- // than long, it's LEFT justified
- switch( entryp->type )
- {
- case TIFFDirEntry::BYTE:
- case TIFFDirEntry::ASCII:
- return (entryp->val_offset) >> 24;
- case TIFFDirEntry::SHORT:
- return (entryp->val_offset) >> 16;
- case TIFFDirEntry::LONG:
- case TIFFDirEntry::RATIONAL:
- return (entryp->val_offset);
- default:
- _error("Invalid type %d",entryp->type);
- }
- }
- // Look up a string value in the directory
- // and return a dynamically allocated str
- // Return 0 if not found
- char * TIFFDirectory::read_str(const unsigned short tag, EndianIn& file) const
- {
- TIFFDirEntry * entryp = look_up(tag);
- if( entryp == 0 )
- return 0;
- assert( entryp->tag == tag);
- assert( entryp->type == TIFFDirEntry::ASCII );
- int size = entryp->count;
- if( size <= 0 )
- return 0;
- char * str = (char *)malloc(size);
- assert( file.seekg(entryp->val_offset).good() );
- file.read(str,size);
- if( str[size-1] != '\0' ) // Make sure the str is terminated
- str[size-1] = '\0'; // properly
- return str;
- }
- class TIFFReadStrips
- {
- int no_strips;
- int rows_per_strip;
- unsigned long int * strip_offsets;
- public:
- TIFFReadStrips(const TIFFDirectory& directory,const int _rows_per_strip,
- EndianIn& file);
- TIFFReadStrips(void);
- ~TIFFReadStrips(void);
- void read(IMAGE& image, EndianIn& file);
- };
- TIFFReadStrips::TIFFReadStrips(const TIFFDirectory& directory,
- const int _rows_per_strip,
- EndianIn& file)
- : rows_per_strip(_rows_per_strip)
- {
- TIFFDirEntry * entryp = directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS);
- assure( entryp != 0, "STRIPOFFSETS tag must be present in the TIFF file");
- no_strips = entryp->count;
- assert( no_strips > 0 );
- strip_offsets = new unsigned long[no_strips];
- if( no_strips == 1 ) // The value is coded within the
- { // dir entry itself
- if( entryp->type == TIFFDirEntry::SHORT )
- strip_offsets[0] = (entryp->val_offset) >> 16;
- else if( entryp->type == TIFFDirEntry::LONG )
- strip_offsets[0] = entryp->val_offset;
- else
- _error("StripOffsets must contain either LONG or SHORT values");
- return;
- }
- // Otherwise we got to read them,
- // I mean, the strip offsets
- assert( file.seekg(entryp->val_offset).good() );
- register int i;
- for(i=0; i<no_strips; i++)
- if( entryp->type == TIFFDirEntry::SHORT )
- strip_offsets[i] = file.read_short("Reading StripOffsets");
- else if( entryp->type == TIFFDirEntry::LONG )
- strip_offsets[i] = file.read_long("Reading StripOffsets");
- else
- _error("StripOffsets must contain either LONG or SHORT values");
- }
- TIFFReadStrips::~TIFFReadStrips(void)
- {
- assert( strip_offsets != 0 );
- delete [] strip_offsets;
- }
- // Read in the strips into the image
- void TIFFReadStrips::read(IMAGE& image, EndianIn& file)
- {
- register int strip;
- for(strip=0; strip<no_strips; strip++)
- {
- assert( file.seekg(strip_offsets[strip]).good() );
- register int i,j; // Reading a strip
- for(i=strip*rows_per_strip;
- i<(strip+1)*rows_per_strip && i < image.q_nrows(); i++)
- for(j=0; j<image.q_ncols(); j++)
- image(i,j) = file.read_byte("reading a strip");
- }
- }
- /*
- *========================================================================
- * Root module - actual IMAGE constructor
- */
- void IMAGE::read_tiff(EndianIn& file, const bool verbose)
- {
- message("Reading the TIFF file\n");
- TIFFDirectory directory(file);
- if( verbose )
- directory.print();
- int no_cols = directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,0);
- if( no_cols == 0 )
- _error("ImageWidth tag missing or improperly specified as 0");
- int no_rows = directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,0);
- if( no_rows == 0 )
- _error("ImageLength tag missing or improperly specified as 0");
- // Checking if we can handle this
- assert( directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,1) == 1 );
- assert( directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,1) == 8 );
- assert( directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION,COMPRESSION_NONE) ==
- int photometry = directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC,
- assert( photometry == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK ||
- int rows_per_strip = directory.look_up(TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP,no_rows);
- TIFFReadStrips strips(directory,rows_per_strip,file);
- allocate(no_rows,no_cols,8);
- {
- char * descr = directory.read_str(TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION,file);
- char * doc_name = directory.read_str(TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME,file);
- if( descr != 0 || doc_name != 0 )
- if( doc_name == 0 )
- name = descr;
- else if( descr == 0 )
- name = doc_name;
- else
- name = strcat(
- strcat(
- strcpy((char *)malloc(strlen(descr)+strlen(doc_name)+2),
- descr),"/"),doc_name),
- free(descr), free(doc_name);
- }
- strips.read(*this,file);
- if( photometry == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE )
- invert();
- cout << "\n" << no_cols << "x" << no_rows << "x" << q_depth() << " image '"
- << name << "' has been read" << endl;
- }